Windsor Grove CemeteryPortes ouvertes en personne Windsor
- En personne
- Accès partiel en fauteuil roulant
- Visites auto-guidées
Meet the Ontario Ancestors which photographs, cleans and transcribes markers in Windsor Grove Cemetery. The group will answer your questions about their work cleaning the oldest monuments. Self-guided tours will take you to the burial places of some of Windsor's early leaders. The Mausoleum, usually only accessible to families of the interred, will be open to visitors. No vehicles allowed in cemetery.
Informations de contact
455 Giles Blvd EastWindsor, Ontario
Type de bâtiment:CimetièreDates/heures d'ouverture
sept. 25, 10:00a.m. - sept. 25, 04:00p.m.Sunday only 10 am - 4 pm