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University of Ottawa Skills and Simulation CentrePortes ouvertes en personne Ottawa

  • En personne
  • Visites guidées
  • Toilettes
University of Ottawa Skills and Simulation Centre

The University of Ottawa Skills and Simulation Centre houses four state-of-the-art simulation rooms, including two operating rooms, one intensive-care room and a labour and delivery suite/emergency room. Computer-driven mannequins that can breathe, talk, bleed and respond to medication help recreate patient care within the hospital, providing professionals with hands-on training and experience.

Informations de contact

725 Parkdale Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario


Type de bâtiment:Établissement d'enseignementÉtablissement de soins de santé

Dates/heures d'ouverture

juin 06, 10:00a.m. - juin 06, 04:00p.m.

Saturday only: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.