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Walking tour: Discovering DundasPortes ouvertes en personne Région de Hamilton


  • En personne
  • Visites guidées
  • Accès partiel en fauteuil roulant
Walking tour: Discovering Dundas

Join Dundas resident Stan Nowak for an engaging walking tour along King and Hatt streets. Starting around 1800, Dundas became a major manufacturing centre in Ontario. By the mid-19th-century, it was also a major shipping point. Since then, an impressive residential area has grown here among manufacturing establishments, tanneries, textile producers and foundries. Learn more through this informative walking tour.

Informations de contact

Meeting location TBC
Dundas, Ontario


Année de construction: Various

Architecte: Various

Dates/heures d'ouverture

mai 07, 10:00a.m. - mai 08, 12:00p.m.

Saturday: 10 to 11:30 a.m.