While this site has participated in Doors Open Ontario in the past, it may not be part of the current season’s program. Please check the Home page for this year’s events and participating sites. For Toronto and Ottawa, check their local websites to confirm.

Biodigesterin-person Doors Open Grimsby


  • In-person
  • Parking

This facility – a Class 3 anaerobic digester with a capacity of 1,000 kilowatts of electricity – takes farm waste (such as grape pomace, silage, peppers, potatoes, hay and straw and non-agricultural materials including dog food, fats, oils and grease) and converts it into electricity, thereby avoiding dumping it into landfill. The facility represents a modern, progressive look at green energy.

Contact info

424 Sobie Road
Grimsby, Ontario


Year built: 2015
Building type:Green building

Dates/hours open

Sep 22, 10:00am - Sep 22, 04:00pm

Saturday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.