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Scouts Canada National MuseumDigital Doors Open Ottawa

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Scouts Canada National Museum

Visit the Scouts Canada National Museum to view impressive collections that focus on contributions that scouting has made to Canada’s heritage, while helping to develop youth into valued citizens. The virtual tour below will guide visitors through a series of inspirational, youth-friendly displays that contain valuable artifacts, each of which tells an important story and that capture more than 110 years of Canadian scouting. Learn about age-related scouting programs, and about the founding of the movement in 1907 by Robert Baden-Powell. Visitors will see displays of photos, uniforms, badges, scrapbooks, diaries and other memorabilia. Included are special displays of badges that illustrate changes in scouting programs, recognition of achievements in career-related STEM Skills, and special skills learned by scouts in northern communities. Scout Jamborees, both around the world and here in Canada, play a large part in the scouting calendar. The museum is fortunate to be the location of Scouts Canada’s own amateur radio station (VE3SHQ), which allows youth to participate in the annual Jamboree on the Air and Jamboree on the Internet (JOTA/JOTI) – the largest on-air and on-the-internet scout gatherings in the world.

Visit the Scouts Canada National Museum to view impressive collections that focus on contributions that scouting has made to Canada’s heritage, while helping to develop youth into valued citizens. The virtual tour below will guide visitors through a series of inspirational, youth-friendly displays that contain valuable artifacts, each of which tells an important story and that capture more than 110 years of Canadian scouting. Learn about age-related scouting programs, and about the founding of the movement in 1907 by Robert Baden-Powell. Visitors will see displays of photos, uniforms, badges, scrapbooks, diaries and other memorabilia. Included are special displays of badges that illustrate changes in scouting programs, recognition of achievements in career-related STEM Skills, and special skills learned by scouts in northern communities. Scout Jamborees, both around the world and here in Canada, play a large part in the scouting calendar. The museum is fortunate to be the location of Scouts Canada’s own amateur radio station (VE3SHQ), which allows youth to participate in the annual Jamboree on the Air and Jamboree on the Internet (JOTA/JOTI) – the largest on-air and on-the-internet scout gatherings in the world.

Contact info

1345 Baseline Road
Ottawa, Ontario



Building type:Museum

Dates/hours open

Jan 01, 10:00am - Dec 31, 04:00pm

Part of Digital Doors Open Ottawa