While this site has participated in Doors Open Ontario in the past, it may not be part of the current season’s program. Please check the Home page for this year’s events and participating sites. For Toronto and Ottawa, check their local websites to confirm.

Ottawa Mission, TheDigital Doors Open Ottawa

  • Digital Doors Open
  • Videos
  • Virtual tours
Ottawa Mission, The

Since 1906, The Ottawa Mission has been serving the homeless, the hungry and the lost by providing food, clothing, shelter and skills. In 2019-20, The Ottawa Mission provided emergency shelter to an average of 197 men each night and served an average of 1,422 meals every day. As the oldest and most progressive homeless shelter in the community, The Ottawa Mission also provides health services, mental health and addiction treatment programs, hospice care, dental services, housing services, educational support, job training, spiritual care and clothing to thousands in need in the Ottawa community. In September 2020, The Ottawa Mission marked the one-millionth hour that the shelter has been in existence since its founding in 1906. In 2019, The Ottawa Mission became a housing-focused shelter – reflective of its commitment to a home for everyone as a human right – with the launch of a new housing department. As part of Digital Doors Open, take a virtual tour of the site through the video below.

Since 1906, The Ottawa Mission has been serving the homeless, the hungry and the lost by providing food, clothing, shelter and skills. In 2019-20, The Ottawa Mission provided emergency shelter to an average of 197 men each night and served an average of 1,422 meals every day. As the oldest and most progressive homeless shelter in the community, The Ottawa Mission also provides health services, mental health and addiction treatment programs, hospice care, dental services, housing services, educational support, job training, spiritual care and clothing to thousands in need in the Ottawa community. In September 2020, The Ottawa Mission marked the one-millionth hour that the shelter has been in existence since its founding in 1906. In 2019, The Ottawa Mission became a housing-focused shelter – reflective of its commitment to a home for everyone as a human right – with the launch of a new housing department. As part of Digital Doors Open, take a virtual tour of the site through the video below.

Contact info

35 Waller Street
Ottawa, Ontario



Dates/hours open

Jan 01, 10:00am - Dec 31, 04:00pm

Part of Digital Doors Open Ottawa