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Centre for Health Innovation, TheDigital Doors Open Ottawa


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Centre for Health Innovation, The

The Centre for Health Innovation (CHI) operates in a beautiful historical building in the heart of downtown Ottawa. The CHI provides evidence-informed integrative medicine, research and education across the spectrum of chronic and acute health-care conditions such as cancer, cardiovascular health, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, mental health, thyroid health, women’s health, diabetes and more. Their approach emphasizes quality of life, support for the body, care of the spirit, and active prevention of disease. The CHI came into being in October 2020 and is the new home for the Ottawa Integrative Cancer Centre (OICC). The OICC is known as the first integrative cancer care and research centre in Eastern Canada and has been awarded the two largest-ever integrative cancer care research grants in North America. A variety of integrative and complementary medicine practices are offered through the CHI, including naturopathic medicine, acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine, functional integrative medicine, nutrition and lifestyle counselling, massage, physiotherapy, reflexology, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, yoga therapy and more. With regards to its integrative cancer care, the CHI team works with patients and their families to help decrease the side effects of cancer treatment, improve the energy, well-being and overall quality of health, balance the body’s immune system, support the mind, body and spirit in the healing process, and provide supportive strategies for cancer prevention and health maintenance. All integrative therapies are designed to be supportive and in alignment with hospital-based care and conventional medicine as a whole. As part of Digital Doors Open, check this place out through the video below.

Contact info

429 MacLaren Street
Ottawa, Ontario



Building type:Health-care facility

Dates/hours open

Jul 27, 01:55am - Jul 27, 01:55am