While this site has participated in Doors Open Ontario in the past, it may not be part of the current season’s program. Please check the Home page for this year’s events and participating sites. For Toronto and Ottawa, check their local websites to confirm.

Sifton Homesteadin-person Doors Open Dutton Dunwich


  • In-person
  • Washrooms
Sifton Homestead

The Siftons had two daughters and a son (who was killed during the Battle of Vimy Ridge in 1917). The family moved into Dutton shortly after their son’s death. The farm was sold to N. Welch, who turned it into an apple orchard. It has since been known locally as Welch's Orchard. Original elements of the house have been preserved.

Contact info

29346 Talbot Line
Wallacetown, Ontario
E-mail: patonscanlan@gmail.com


Year built: 1900
Building type:Historical house

Dates/hours open

Oct 20, 10:00am - Oct 20, 04:00pm

Saturday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.