While this site has participated in Doors Open Ontario in the past, it is not part of the current season’s program. Please check the Home page for this year’s events and participating sites.

Junction Craft Brewery (The Symes Road Destructor)in-person Doors Open Toronto


  • In-person
  • Kid-friendly
  • Parking
  • Partial wheelchair access
  • Washrooms
Junction Craft Brewery (The Symes Road Destructor)

This building was constructed under R.C. Harris – Toronto's longest-serving Public Works Commissioner. The art deco style was popular with civic buildings constructed during this time. It operated until the 1970s as an incinerator, and then became a waste transfer facility. It was closed in 1996. Since then, it has been renovated and was re-opened in 2018 as Junction Craft Brewery.

Contact info

150 Symes Road
Toronto, Ontario



Year built: 1932-34
Building type:Commercial
Architect: Kenneth Stevenson Gillies (under R.C. Harris)
Architectural style:Art deco

Dates/hours open

May 23, 10:00am - May 24, 05:00pm

Saturday and Sunday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.